3-21-25-Panther Press
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Calendar Reminders
March 25- 6th Grade Orientation to Longfellow
4th Grade Parent Coffee, Library, 8:30am
March 26 - STEAM Night /Science Fair 5:30 pm -7:30 pm
April 3 - 6th Grade DC Field Trip (Air/Space Museum)
April 4- 6th Grade Basketball game vs. Churchill ES (Langley HS-6pm)
April 7 - Kids Heart Challenge
April 10- Bingo Night, 5:30pm (Spring Hill cafeteria)
April 22 - 5th Grade Field Trip-Natural History Museum
April 24 - 4th Grade Kennedy Center
April 28 - 3 Hour Early Release- Students dismiss at 12:35pm
Kindergarten Registration/Orientation 1:30 pm-2:30 pm
(for new Kindergarten students and parents)
2024-25 FCPS School Calendar
Dear Panther Families,
Fun Fair last Saturday was a huge success! Thank you to all the volunteers who made this special event happen. It was wonderful to see our students and families smiling and having fun!
As the days grow longer and the signs of spring begin to emerge, we are excited to recognize and celebrate Nowruz, a festival marking the Persian New Year. Nowruz, meaning "new day," is a time of renewal, hope, and joy, celebrated by millions around the world, including many members of our own school community.
Nowruz traditionally begins on the vernal equinox, the precise moment when spring begins in the Northern Hemisphere. This year, we acknowledge the arrival of spring and the spirit of Nowruz.
Thank you for your continued partnership and hope to see you all at our first annual STEAM/Science Fair night next Wednesday!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Amy Briggs
School HoursAs a reminder, our school bell rings at 8:50am. If you are dropping off your child, please make sure it is prior to 8:50am. If you arrive after 8:50am, please plan to park your car and check your child in at the main office. Signs will be put out once staff members are no longer on duty. If the sign is out you will need to escort your child into the office. Thank you.
Arrival & Dismissal Safety
As a reminder, the parking lot to the left of the school may not be used for drop-off or pick-up at any time. This lot is for staff parking only. We have just installed new gates that will be closed between 8:20-8:50am and 3:00-3:50pm. If you plan to drop off or pick up your child, you must either use Kiss & Ride or park across the street at the Spring Hill Rec Center and walk to Door #6, #7, or #8 to pick up your children. We must prioritize the safety of our students and cannot have cars entering or exiting this parking lot during arrival and dismissal. Thank you.
Attention ALL BUS RIDERS!Students must ride the bus they are assigned. They are not permitted to ride a different bus home with friends.
Attendance Matters!This year, Spring Break is April 12th-April 20th. We are eager to welcome your children back in school on April 21st. Their attendance is very important. Teachers will be teaching, and students will be learning.
Studies have shown that just two absences per month can cause students to fall behind. Let’s finish this school year strong. Visit our website for more attendance resources.
Kids Heart ChallengeWe are excited to let you know that we will be doing the KHC/AHA (Kid’s Heart Challenge/American Heart Association) again this year beginning on April 7th. This year it will be a weeklong event and we will do many fun activities throughout the week during their P.E. time.
Heart disease continues to be an issue and one of the best ways to help fight it, is by exercising and being active. Registration is free for the event and all students who register will receive a wristband. Both the Spring Hill P.E. Department and AHA encourage you to donate if you feel comfortable doing so. All donations will go towards fighting heart disease and help us purchase new P.E. equipment. The Spring Hill Community has always been supportive of this event/cause. We thank you very much for your support.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Mr. Worthington & Mr. V
Langley Pyramid Art Show Now through March 26The Langley Pyramid Art Show is now on display through Wednesday, March 26! Thirty eight Spring Hill artists have their artwork on display along with artwork from Langley High School, Cooper Middle School, and the four other elementary schools that are in our pyramid. Visit the art show at the McLean Project for the Arts galleries, located upstairs at the McLean Community Center, 1234 Ingleside Avenue.
Prepare for a Summer of Learning and FunRegistration will be available soon for summer camps offered by Fairfax County Public Schools for all students. Career and Technical Education (CTE) camps and Institute for the Arts (IFTA) camps will be held in July at Lake Braddock Secondary School from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bus transportation will be available from select FCPS middle and high schools. Registration begins for these programs on Monday, March 10, and ends Friday, June 6.
Tech Adventure Camp (TAC) is a week-long exploratory camp designed to allow current K-5 students to explore activities in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math), culinary arts, health, trades, and business and marketing areas. Watch this video about CTE camps.
E-IFTA is a weekly arts camp for students in grades 2-5 who love to sing, dance, act, perform, make, and create. Students take part in four daily classes related to dance, music, theater, and visual art. They work with FCPS fine arts teachers who create fun and engaging classes.
For more information, see the Summer Learning page.
SY 2025-26 registration for Kindergarten and new studentsSY 2025-26 registration for kindergarten and new students at Spring Hill ES is open.
Please submit https://springhilles.fcps.edu/student-services/new-student-registration in New Student Registration site on the website then school registrar will send you an email with information about required forms and link to schedule an appointment for registration.
Student’s Intention for the SY 25-26If your student is not coming back to Spring Hill ES due to moving or transferring to private school for SY 25-26, please contact Young-joo Kim; [email protected] to receive the form. Also this form can be accessed by your students with their school email address. Rising 7th grade students are placed in middle schools in the boundary by their home address. Please submit the form only if your student is moving out of the boundary.”
FCPS News- In case you missed it in FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics and others:
- Student Achievements
- Art in our Schools Month
- Celebrating Students Setting Positive Examples
- Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today.
Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today.
- 🎤 Save the Date: Community Conversations with Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid
Your voice matters, and Superintendent Reid wants to hear from you! Share your thoughts and ask questions regarding FCPS on the following dates from 6:30-7:30pm:
- Thursday, March 20, Cunningham Park Elementary School
- Monday, March 24, Kings Park Elementary School
- Tuesday, April 1, Lorton Station Elementary School
- Monday, April 7, Greenbriar West Elementary School
- Monday, April 21, Mount Eagle Elementary School
- Wednesday, April 23, Mason Crest Elementary School
Childcare and interpretation services will be provided. Events are open to all. Find out about other opportunities to connect with Dr. Reid.
Staff Spotlight
Last week, our very own Ms. Pourhashemi was awarded the Vienna Youth Soccer Association Dave Williams TOPSoccer Award for her decades of service to the TOPSoccer program. The TOPSoccer program provides an opportunity for children with varying challenges to participate in and on a soccer team. Ms. Pourhashemi has been a coach for this program inviting students from our school to play, as well as volunteer as buddies to the players. We value Ms. Pourhashemi's passion for all of our students and for this program. Congratulations Ms. Pourhashemi!
Student Spotlight-Science Olympiad
O Spring Hill Science Olympiad Division B team competed in the VA Science Olympiad National Ready Regional Tournament. They competed with 29 teams from middle and elementary schools in the region in a total of 23 events.
Detailed results can be found here: https://www.duosmium.org/results/2025-03-01_VA_mary_washington_regional_b/
Our team members are as follows:
- Grade 6 - Alika Dawood, Hannah Shiv, Jeffrey Duan, Connor Ellis, Ethan Guo, Gabriel Habib, Leo Wang, William Wang, Zachary Yin
- Grade 5 - Annika Basu, Rowan Geyer, Linna Liu, Elena Shahpar, Kaylee Zhao, Jaden Zhu
They will be competing in the VASO State tournament at UVA on March 29, 2025.
WHAT: We are partnering with the Churchill Road ES PTA to host a friendly basketball game between 6th Graders from Churchill Road Elementary vs. 6th graders from Spring Hill Elementary. There will be one game for 6th grade boys and one game for 6th grade girls. WHEN: Friday, April 4 at 6 PM WHERE: Langley High School Gym This is a friendly and fun family event, and will feature a half-time competition between school mascots (GO Spring Hill Panther!!). Look for more details on ticket sales coming soon! We can't wait to see you at the game!
Questions? Please contact Spring Hill's PTO President at [email protected].
WHAT: The Spring Hill PTO's tremendously popular and much-anticipated BINGO NIGHT is a wonderfu chance to gather with friends family for a night of pure fun! Join us to for Bingo, dinner, dancing and chances to win some amazing prizes! WHEN: Thursday, April 10 5:30-7:30 PM WHERE: Spring Hill Cafeteria HOW: Tickets will be coming soon to our PTO Website for this popular family event. We expect, as with prior years, that Bingo Night will sell out!
GET INVOLVED: We need your support to help make this event another Spring Hill PTO success! Please CLICK HERE to volunteer and/or donate. Thank you for your contribution!
This year, we are excited to be partnering with a new spirit wear company – Custom Sportswear. Spirit Wear will be ON SALE FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY. Orders will be accepted through Friday, April 4. An order form should have come home in your child's Thursday folder this week!
Click here to place an order online in our dedicated Spring Hill Spirit Wear shop.
Thank you to everyone who came out on Saturday to our 57th annual Fun Fair! The day was a huge success, owing in large part to the more than 125 volunteers who tirelessly served pizza, spun cotton candy, tore tickets, and handed out tokens and prizes, among countless other tasks. We would also like to recognize those volunteers who served on the Fun Fair planning committee with our sincere appreciation: Jessica Ailani, Agnese Banerjee, Morgan Brand, Marcy Borger, Molly Budman, Thang Carpenter, Tiffaney Clinton, Katie Colosi, Zohra Darwish, Kate Fleming, Kelly Hare, Miranda Hosseini, Miguel Hoyos, Mollie Ifshin, Jennifer Kahn, Anna Liu, Tatevik Ohanyan, Naima Malik, Peggy Sue McNulty, Cindy Merson, Kathrina Ng, Erin Phillips, Sophie Townend, Tien Tran, Liz Walsh, and Randall Warden. The day would not have been possible without you!
A very special thanks to Principal Briggs and the administration, the teachers who generously allowed the use of their classrooms, the front office staff, and the custodians who worked tirelessly to both prepare for the event and get the school ready for the return of classes on Monday morning.
The Lost & Found Committee has updated the PDF catalog of lost items! We are not out of winter yet – so, if your child is missing anything, please have a look by clicking here!
Yearbook orders are due by April 4th! Online orders only.
Get your yearbook now with all your memories; no extra yearbooks will be available later.
To order a yearbook, visit www.strawbridge.net and use the order code: YB31541. See this link for more details.
📑Family HandbookPlease take some time to review our Parent Handbook. We wanted to provide our families with this resource as it will help assist you with pertinent information in regards to the 2024-2025 school year.
8201 Lewinsville Road McLean, VA 22102 | Main Office: 703-506-3400
Attendance: 703-506-3434 | Web