Spring Hill Kindness Club
"In a world where you can be anything, be kind”. That’s the motto of Spring Hill Elementary School’s Kindness Club. The Kindness Club is a new initiative this year created by Ms. Rinker, School Counselor. The club began meeting in October and is currently open to 5th grade students. The goal is to expand the club to other grade levels once it is fully established after this year.
The club’s kickoff event was promoting National Unity Day on October 19th. Unity Day focuses on being upstanders against bullying instead of bystanders through acts of kindness, acceptance, and inclusion. Spring Hill students were invited to sign a Unity Day pledge that was then displayed for the school to see. Kindness Club members shared meaningful announcements leading up to Unity Day about kindness, acceptance, and inclusion. Students and staff were giving anti-bullying stickers to wear on Unity Day. This was in addition to wearing the color orange, which is the official color of National Unity Day.
The current project for the Kindness Club involves rock painting. Members painted rocks with messages and images related to kindness. Students in Ms. Mazur’s Enhanced Autism class were also invited to paint rocks. These rocks will be given to each homeroom as part of a “Kind Student of the Week” initiative.
We are also preparing for Random Act of Kindness Week to take place February 12th – February 18th. More information will be shared in the Panther Press as the week gets closer.

Kindness Club Members:
Yasmine Akhavan-Sarraf
Annabelle Allen
Campbell Colosi
Abby Desai
Maggie Franker
Laily Hatami
Haylee Herrera Nelson
Aleksa McCarthy
Emery Murphy
Joud Naffa
Noor Naffa
Akshara Nair
Elizabeth Peebles
Eva Sorenson
Olivia Suszan
Avery Withers